
Qualitative/Quantitative Lesson 6 "Addition & Subtraction of Significant Figures"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.2.12B


1. I will determine the number of significant figures.
2. I will multiply and divide with significant figures.

Homework Due:

1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 10 - 12, & 14
2. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 13 - 16, & 25 -32
3. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 7)
*Quantitative Class Only


1. Metric Ruler
2. 50 mL and 400 mL Beakers
3. 10 mL, 100 mL, and 250 mL Graduated Cylinders
4. Water
5. “Significant Figures.ppt”

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

Warm-Up: Measure the length and width of your Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS.
Check over the homework:
1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 10 - 12, & 14
2. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 13 - 16, & 25 -32
3. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 6)
*Quantitative Class Only
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Review warm-up (A Review of Section 2.5)
Activity #2: Calculate the area of the paper and compare results
Activity #3: Review rules for multiplication and division of significant figures
Activity #4: Review multiplication and division problems using the following:
1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 10 - 12, & 14
2. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 13 - 16, & 25 -32
Activity #5: Discuss addition and subtraction of significant figures (”Significant Figures.ppt”)
Activity #6: Complete the following measuring activity:
1. Fill a 400 mL beaker to the 150 mL mark
2. Fill a 50 mL beaker to the 40. mL mark,
3. Fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder to the 30.0 mL mark
4. Fill a 10 mL graduated cylinder to the 10.00 mL mark
5. Add each to a 250 mL graduated cylinder and measure
Activity #7: Review the measuring activity results and discuss the reason(s) for the uncertainty in the final measurement
Activity #8: Complete addition and subtraction problems using the Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 9, 13, & 15

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Assess today's lesson
Round the following to the correct number of significant figures:
1. 67.41 + 0.032 = ____________ 67.442 -> 67.44
2. 732.01 + 4 = ____________ 736.01 -> 736
3. 97000 - .0212 = ____________ 96999.9788 -> 97000

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 9, 13, & 15
2. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 7)
*Quantitative Class Only

Preview of Next Class:

1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division with Significant Figures
2. Density

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Page maintained by: Stephen A. Roe
Last update: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:57 PM