
Qualitative/Quantitative Lesson 7 "Density"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.2.12B
PA Standard 3.4.12A
PA Standard 3.4.12D


1. I will determine the number of significant figures.
2. I will multiply and divide with significant figures.

Homework Due:

1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 9, 13, & 15
2. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 7)
*Quantitative Class Only


1. “Density.ppt”
2. Corn Syrup, Glycerin, Water, Vegetable Oil
3. 100 mL Beaker
4. Food Coloring
5. Wax, Rubber, Wood, Nickel
6. Laboratory Report Requirements

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

1. Explain how small length measurement differences affected the uncertainty in the calculation its area.
2. 700. x 0.03 = ____________ 21 -> 20
3. 732.01 + 4 = ____________ 736.01 -> 736
Check over the homework:
1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 9, 13, & 15
2. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 7)
*Quantitative Class Only
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Review warm-up (A Review of Sections 2.4 & 2.5)
Activity #2: Review addition and subtraction problems using the Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 9, 13, & 15
Activity #3: Correct Self-Check Exercises
1. Archimedes
2. Platinum Medallion
3. Density with polar/nonpolar liquids and solids
Activity #5: Discuss Laboratory Report Requirements
Activity #6: Begin student introductions:
1. Name
2. Desired superpower
3. What you would want to know about the other person on the first date.

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Assess today's lesson
Describe the density of a liquid that would allow iron to float (The density of iron is 11.34 g/cc).

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

No homework

Preview of Next Class:

1. Significant Figures Quiz
2. Lab Equipment Overview
3. Water Density Lab

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Page maintained by: Stephen A. Roe
Last update: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:56 PM