
Qualitative/Quantitative Lesson 5 "Determining Significant Figures"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.4.12A
PA Standard 3.4.12D


1. I will determine the number of significant figures.
2. I will multiply and divide with significant figures.

Homework Due:

1. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 12, 17 - 24 (Due Lesson 5)
*Quantitative Class Only


1. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1
2. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1
5. “Significant Figures.ppt”

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

1. Describe how you separate sand from sand/water mixture.
2. Identify the number of significant figures and underline the least decimal place in 2.35700 .
3. Round 2.35700 to 2 significant figures.
Check over the homework:
1. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 12, 17 - 24
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Review warm-up (A Review of Sections 3.5 & 5.4)
Activity #2: Discuss significant trailing zeros to the left of the units position (”Significant Figures.ppt”)
Activity #3: Review significant figure and rounding problems in Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 1 - 12, 17 - 24
Activity #4: Complete the Qualitative and Quantitative Week 1 Assessment (20 minutes)
Activity #5: Self-correct the Qualitative and Quantitative Week 1 Assessment
Activity #6: Discuss multiplication and division of significant figures (”Significant Figures.ppt”)
Activity #7: Complete multiplication and division problems using the following:
1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 10 - 12, & 14
2. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 13 - 16, & 25 -32
Activity #8: Review multiplication and division problems
Activity #9: Read and take notes on Section 2.8 “Density”

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Assess today's lesson
Round the following to the correct number of significant figures:
1. 67.41 x 0.032 = ____________ 2.157 ->2.2
2. 732 / 4 = ____________ 183 -> 200
3. (97000)(.0212)/(1.82) = ____________ 1129 -> 1130

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

1. Significant Figures and Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 10 - 12, & 14
2. Significant Figures and Multiplication/Division WS #1: 13 - 16, & 25 -32
3. Section 2.8 Notes (Due Lesson 7)
*Quantitative Class Only

Preview of Next Class:

1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division with Significant Figures

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Last update: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:57 PM