
Multidisciplinary Connections:

consumer sciences
fine arts
foreign language
language arts
materials processing
physical education
social studies
technology education
other. . .

Science Skills:

record and organize
other. . .


class discussion
extra credit
homework completion
teacher observation of group/individual work
warm-up answer
other. . .

IEP Accommodations:

For Tests/Quizzes:
opportunity to go to the resource room for additional help (1,2)
testing accommodations
tests/quizzes are chunked (1,2)
supplemental notes/study guides
completion of selected portion of assignment
extended "think" time to formulate response
extra time on lengthy assignments (1,2)
use of a calculator
questions presented both visually and orally
accommodations for reading levels (1,2)
opportunity to proofread (1,2)
spelling does not count
directions are repeated and rephrased (1,2)
checks for comprehension
For Assignments:
opportunity to go to the resource room for additional help (1,2)
assignments are chunked (1,2)
supplemental notes/study guides
completion of selected portion of assignment
motivation to compete homework
extended "think" time to formulate response
extra time on lengthy assignments (2)
type all writing assignments (2)
frequent repetition and practice
use of a calculator
questions presented both visually and orally
accommodations for reading levels
opportunity to proofread (1,2)
spelling does not count
directions are repeated and rephrased
checks for comprehension
For Classwork:
opportunity to go to the resource room for additional help
assignments are chunked
supplemental notes/study guides
completion of selected portion of assignment
motivation to compete classwork
extended "think" time to formulate response
extra time on lengthy assignments
frequent repetition and practice
use of a calculator
questions presented both visually and orally
accommodations for reading levels
opportunity to proofread
spelling does not count
directions are repeated and rephrased
checks for comprehension
For Study Skills:
assistance with study skills
motivation to study and review for tests
supplemental notes/study guides
motivation to compete class work/homework
motivation and cues to stay on task
frequent repetition and practice
use of a calculator
accommodations for reading levels
opportunity to proofread
spelling does not count
directions are repeated and rephrased
checks for comprehension
For Organizational Skills:
assistance with organizational skills
motivation to use and sign planner
For Classroom Environment:
preferential seating/grouping
structured learning environment
Other. . .

ESL Accommodations:

Environment/Behavior Management:
Assign preferential seating
Clarify rules
Instructional Materials:
A. Use adapted/modified texts and supplemental material
B. Provide adatped handouts
C. Highlight materials (2)
D. Identify answer locations
E. Use visual aids
F. Allow use of software/hardware (1, 2)
Presentation of Material:
A. Simplify language
B. Emphasize critical information (1, 2)
C. Demonstrate concepts/use manipulatives
D. Provide a preview of lesson (2)
E. Pre-teach vocabulary (1, 2)
F. Use individual/small group instruction
G. Use specialized curriculum
Pacing/Time Demands:
A. Extended time requirements (1, 2)
B. Omit assignments
A. Shorten segments
B. Adapt worksheets/packets
C. Give directions in small distinct steps (1, 2)
D. Use written backup for oral directions (1, 2)
E. Read directions to students
F. Allow copying from handout/text
G. Modify note taking (2)
H. Use alternative assignments (1, 2)
I. Record or type assignments
Reinforcement and Follow Through:
A. Give immediate feedback
B. Use positive reinforcement (2)
C. Use concrete reinforcement
D. Check often for understanding/review (1, 2)
E. Arrange for tutoring
F. Plan cooperative learning experiences
G. Provide language experience
H. Have student repeat directions
I. Make/Use vocabulary files
J. Teach study skills
K. Use study guides to organize materials (1, 2)
L. Repeat review/drill
M. Peer check (2)
Evaluation Methods:
A. Administer tests orally
B. Modify format (2)
C. Administer tests individually
D. Require only selected test items be answered
E. Provide additional test time (1, 2)
F. Allow testing in ESL room (1, 2)
A. Modify grading system
B. Modify weights of course requirements
Communication Factors:
A. Communication with parents (2)
B. Encourage student to use complete sentences
C. Model appropriate speech behaviors (2)
D. Allow increased response time
E. Discreetly repeat directions
F. Use verbal, gestural, or physical prompt
G. Give verbal as well as written directions (1, 2)
Other. . .


This lesson will be/has been modified.

Last update: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:53 PM