
Qualitative/Quantitative Lesson 9 "Evidence of Chemical Reactions"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.1.12C
PA Standard 3.2.12B
PA Standard 3.2.12C
PA Standard 3.4.12A
PA Standard 3.4.12D
PA Standard 3.7.12B


1. I will use significant figures to calculate the area of a piece of paper and the final volume of water.
2. I will +, -, x, and / using significant figures.
3. I will measure volume and mass to the correct number of significant figures.
4. I will calculate the (average) density using significant figures.
5. I will identify lab equipment and its uses.
6. I will identify whether objects/liquids with different densities will sink or float.

Homework Due:

1. Section 6.1 Notes (Due Lesson 9)
2. Lab Equipment and Uses Quiz (Lesson 12)
3. Water Density Lab Report (Due Lesson 13)
*Quantitative Class Only


1. Significant Figures Quiz
2. Balance, 100 mL Graduated Cylinder, Water
3. Laboratory Equipment and Uses
4. Laboratory Equipment
5. MicroSoft Excel

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

Warm-Up: Correct Self-Check Exercises 2.2 & 2.3
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Review warm-up (A Review of Sections 2.5)
Activity #2: Complete the significant figures quiz
Activity #3: Continue with student introductions:
1. Name
2. Desired superpower
3. What you would want to know about the other person on the first date.
Activity #4: Prep the Water Density Lab
Activity #5: Complete the Water Density Lab
1. Explain how a boat made of steel floats.
2. Calculate your percent error for your average density of water. (Accepted value = 1.000 g/mL)
Activity #6: Check lab drawers for appropriate lab equipment and uses
Activity #7: Read and take notes on section 6.1 “Evidence of a Chemical Reaction”
Activity #8: Begin calculations for the Water Density Lab using MicroSoft Excel (Reseved for Monday)

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Assess today's lesson
1. In water, objects with a density less than water will ____________.
2. 75 g / 25 mL = ____________ 3.0 g/mL
3. 75.0 g / 150. mL = ____________ 0.500 g/mL

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

1. Section 6.1 Notes (Due Lesson 9)
2. Lab Equipment and Uses Quiz (Lesson 12)
3. Water Density Lab Report (Due Lesson 13)
*Quantitative Class Only

Preview of Next Class:

1. Evidence of Chemical Reactions
2. Laboratory Safety

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Page maintained by: Stephen A. Roe
Last update: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:50 PM