
Organic Lesson 43 "Hydrohalogenation"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.4.12A: Apply concepts about the structure and properties of matter.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.1.1: Analyze and explain the nature of science in the search for understanding the natural world and its connection to technological systems.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.1.2: Identify and analyze the scientific or technological challenges of societal issues; propose possible solutions and discuss implications.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.1.3: Describe and interpret patterns of change in natural and human-made systems.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.2.1: Apply knowledge of scientific investigation or technological design to develop or critique aspects of the experimental or design process.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.2.2: Evaluate appropriate technologies for a specific purpose, or describe the information the instrument can provide.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.3.2: Compare observations of the real.
Anchor Assessment S11.A.3.3: Compare and Analyze repeated processes or recuring elements in patterns.
Anchor Assessment S11.B.1.1: Explain structure and function at multiple levels of organization.
Anchor Assessment S11.C.1.1: Explain the relationship between the structure an properties of matter.


1. I will describe the hydrohalogenation of alkenes.
2. I will describe Markovnikov's Rule (H adds to the less substituted carbon bond) and the Hammond Postulate (the closer the transition state's energy is to the products energy the more stable it is).
3. I will describe the orientation of alkene addition reactions using Markovnikov's Rule"
4. I will describe carbocation structure and stability.

Homework Due:

1. No homework


1. No handouts

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

Warm-Up: Draw a carbocation with the empty p-orbital.
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Review the carbocation with the empty p-orbital
Activity #2: Overview chapter 4 "Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes"
Activity #3: Discuss Markovnikov's Rule and tertiary carbocation electronegativity ((R)3 - C+: d+ -|→ d+)
Activity #4: Read and take notes on section 4.1 "Addition of HX to Alkenes: Hydrohalogenation"
Activity #5: Read and take notes section 4.2 "Orientation of Alkene Addition Reactions: Markovnikov's Rule"
Activity #6: Read and take notes section 4.3 "Carbocation Structure and Stability"

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Summarize today's lesson
1. I will describe the hydrohalogenation of alkenes.
2. I will describe Markovnikov's Rule (H adds to the less substituted carbon bond) and the Hammond Postulate (the closer the transition state's energy is to the products energy the more stable it is).
3. I will describe the orientation of alkene addition reactions using Markovnikov's Rule"
4. I will describe carbocation structure and stability.

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

1. Complete Notes on Introduction - Section 4.3

Preview of Next Class:

1. Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes
2. Markovnikov's Rule and Hammond's Postulate
3. Orientation of Alkene Addition Reaction
4. Carbocation Structure and Stability

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Page maintained by: Stephen A. Roe
Last update: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:39 AM