
Quantitative Lesson 19 "Glass Lab"

Science and Technology Standards:

PA Standard 3.4.10A: Classify and describe, in equation form, types of chemical and nuclear reactions


1. I will cut glass.
2. I will flame polish glass.
3. I will bend glass.
4. I will make a stirring rod.
5. I will separate a mixture by filtering.

Homework Due:

1. Flame Test Lab Report (Due Lesson 19)


1. Glass Lab

I. Introduction

Opening Assignment:

Warm-Up: Pickup Glass Lab handouts.
Review warm-up
State the purpose

II. The Lesson:

Activity #1: Prep the Glass Lab
Activity #2: Complete the Glass Lab
1. Cut glass
2. Flame polish ends
3. Bend glass
4. Make a stirring rod.
5. Separate a mixture by filtering.
Activity #3: Complete the Glass Lab Report

III. Closure:

Summary Assignment:

Summarize today's lesson
1. I will identify the noble gas configurations for various elements.
2. I will identify lab equipment and their use.
3. I will identify lab safety rules.
4. I will bend glass.
5. I will make a stirring rod.
6. I will separate a mixture by filtering.

Homework Assignment (Write down in planners):

1. Glass Lab Report (Due Lesson 24)

Preview of Next Class:

1. Electromagnetic Radiation

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Page maintained by: Stephen A. Roe
Last update: Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:29 PM