Download Screensaver 
To download either screen saver, click on the links below. Please read the instructions and the disclaimer of warranty (these also download with the screensaver) before use. The screensavers will run on any PC running Windows NT, 95 or 9x though we recommend only installing this software on Pentium 100 or higher systems with 16Mb of memory (RAM). They will occupy approximately 3.6Mb of hard drive space each. If run on lower specification machines you will experience some display problems.
Screensaver :
To install a screen saver on your computer, first download the program into a suitable temporary directory on your PC. If you have a directory called TEMP then this is a good place to store the file. Windows95 users can use the C:\Windows\Temp directory. To start downloading click on the text for the specific operating system of your computer. Instruct your browser to save the software into your chosen target location, e.g. C:\TEMP. The file is a Zipped Self Extracting Archive and is called runme.exe (for Gold) or runmehg.exe (for Mercury). Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this may take a significant time to download.

Once the file has finished downloading, it will need decompressing. Double click the icon for the .exe file and a dialogue box will prompt you to Unzip files to your C:\TEMP directory (or any other directory should you wish). You will there find a new file called install.exe and a copy of this text file. Double click this to install the screen saver. You can delete the temporary files at this point as they are no longer needed, (unless you wish to keep them as backups).

Finally you make the screen saver active in the normal way, that is for Windows 95 users, right mouse click on your desktop, select properties, screen saver and select the screen saver called "Au" or "Hg".

To remove the software, simply delete the files Au.exe, Au.scr Hg.exe and Hg.scr from your Windows directory.


This free of charge software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. The Royal Society of Chemistry and TechnoPhobia Ltd make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the Royal Society of Chemistry or TechnoPhobia Ltd be liable for any incidental or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of, or inability to use, this program.

The program and the archive file have been carefully checked, and found to be clear of any known viruses, but the Royal Society of Chemistry and TechnoPhobia Ltd make no warranty of any kind, express or implied in this regard.

Windows 95 is a registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

All code and graphics are Copyright 1998 The Royal Society of
Chemistry, Murray Robertson and TechnoPhobia Ltd

TechnoPhobia Ltd.
The Workstation,
Paternoster Row,
S1 2BX.
United Kingdom.
Tel:+44 (0) 114 2212123
Fax:+44 (0) 114 2212124

Dr Sarah Vallance,
RSC Electronic Communications Manager,
Communication Services,
Royal Society of Chemistry,
Burlington House,
London, W1V 0BN,
United Kingdom
Tel:+44 (0)171440 3332 (Direct)
Fax: +44 (0)171 437 8883

Download Gold Screensaver
Download Mercury Screensaver