Periodic Landscapes - Image Creation

The Periodic Landscape images are created using entirely digital media. 2D graphs of the various properties are transposed into 3D bar charts from which the values are rendered as greyscale height maps. These maps are then imported into 3D modelling software and a fractal landscape generated . It is at this point that the visual process takes over; the models are sculpted to achieve a sense of the general trends or patterns prevalent within the values chosen - also the views taken are a compromise between being able to perceive these patterns yet present a hopefully striking vista. Inevitably the 'camera view' may distort certain aspects of the patterns much as a wide angle lens does in traditional photography, but the intention is that an overall trend can be perceived. The final images are output as Iris digital prints using UV lightfast inks onto acid free Somerset printmaking paper.

The ionisation energies, masses of the atoms and densities of the atoms are rendered as mountainous landscapes with the height of the peaks referring to the original 2D graphs. The atomic radii models are slightly different in that they take the form of a canyon in which the diameter of the atom dictates the width between the canyon walls - the larger the atom the wider the gap. The first three models present the entire periodic table whilst the atomic radii model features sections of the table.

Periodic Landscapes - Background

Contributors to the Periodic Landscapes include :

Images & models - Murray Robertson, artist & printmaker, Glasgow Print Studio.

Text - Dr Ann Prescott, Lecturer in Chemistry, Abertay University, Dundee

Animation - Alastair Wells, video maker & animator, Genetix,Glasgow.

Soundtracks - M.P.Lancaster, Memory Bank Studio, Glasgow.

All the Periodic Landscape images are now available for purchase as limited edition iris prints. Click the product icon for more information and pricing.